Time to dust off the old entries and re-enjoy them here: 1608EST 1DEC2005 - So long and thanks for the fish... -Douglas Adams | 2239EST 30NOV2005 - Do you ever look back at previous times in your life when you were in love, and think that you had no idea love was? or maybe not that you didn't know what love was, but you didn't have an idea of how good love could get? I do, I just watched a video where I was telling Pam that I love her, and I thought to my self, "man, it's just gotten better too..." I loved her back then, but it just keeps amazing me how awesome our relationship is. | 1902EST 28NOV2005 - I have been thinking about this all day, I really wanted to blog about something bad, then I thought of something good. Anyways here is the good and bad blogs of the day: GOOD - I realized over this weekend that Pam is the sweetest most innocent girl ever, which is one of the reasons that I fell in love with her in the first place. Yes she is in the Navy which, by definition, destroys all innocence. However she still, in her heart, believes that all people are good in the end. At least that is how I see it, and that is something that I really respect, because I always wish I thought better of people, but I tend to see the worst. BAD - I am back at my real job at work, which brings me to my list of reasons that I hate the navy:
On that note, I realize that I am in the Navy and that I signed up for this, but I may not have signed up for it had I known the above, so I figured I'd share. That being said that Navy has helped make me into a better person in some ways, at the least more independant, and I found the love of my life in the Navy.... 1505EST 23NOV2005 - Follow these instructions: Goto Google. Type in "failure". Press the "I'm feeling lucky" button. Laugh your butt off. | 2006EST 21NOV2005 - Door thwarts quick eixt for Bush.... Don't look at me, I DID NOT vote for that man. Just look at the look on his face.... | 2054EST 16NOV2005 - Updated my wish list a little bit tonight, and also a couple days ago put more pictures up in my gallery. FYI. "Have a sense of humor. The weatherman is not always right. And your spouse may never be." - Found this quote in a article about camping as a couple. Made me chuckle. | 1135EST 15NOV2005 - Found this at http://pages.ebay.com/holidaygiftguide/toys.html just now... Is Yoda flipping you off? ![]() | 2236EST 14NOV2005 - I just put together a schedule starting from the 27th of November until I get to my submarine on the 10th of march. And if everything I want gets approved, in the next 3 1/2 months I will be working a total of 28 days. *muhahaha* with 8 of thoose days being training days, so not really work, just boredom. | 1728EST 13NOV2005 - I understand now why money is considered one of the biggest stressors in relationships. I didn't really think it would be in our relationship but, as everyone knows, life throws funny surprises your way. But even when it seems like it is causing us trouble, it brings us closer together I think. And as usually Pam balances me out perfectly, reminding me of certain things and smoothing out my sharp edges... just an amazing woman I tell you. 1033EST 13NOV2005 - ![]() Any guesses as to what you are looking at? A single strand of beautiful red hair. In case there were any doubt Pam's a red head, and her hair is just amzaing. It has so much volume, so much color, it just screams look at me and how beautiful I am. I adore her hair and am amazed at the way that she styles it, how it can go from being up in to a bun, to reaching her shoulders. I love it because it is part of her and just shows how unique of a person she is. ![]() Love you babe, and think you look wonderful. | 1707EST 11NOV2005 - I don't have much else to say about this one, but Courson, 50, was using a chain saw to cut down a dead 44-foot tall tree with a circumference of 5 feet when it fell on him, according to state police. The accident happened around 1 p.m. at his home in Henry Clay Township, Fayette County.Full Story | 1900EST 10NOV2005 - I am a firm believer that if you want somebody to do something nice for you, or continue to do something nice for you then you need to make sure to do nice stuff for them. For example if you are sitting there thinking, "gee it would be nice if he/she got me flowers" why don't you get that person flowers, you would find that it will be just as rewarding for you. Instead of dwelling on the fact that they haven't do something nice for you, do something nice for them, it will make them happy, and you happy. And if they are happy then they will probaly be more likely to do something nice for you. 1442EST 10NOV2005 - ![]() For thoose of you that don't know Sony is basicly using a virus to prevent you from copying your CD's. Why does that affect you? Because this virus changes the way windows operates, uses your processor power, and opens up holes for viruses. Check out the EFF for more information. 1235EST 10NOV2005 - I have lots of pictures that I should be putting up on the website, but I am stalling. Trying to get around to it today, but I am in the mood to go take more pictures, so maybe tommorow. | 0053EST 8NOV2005 - I want to make one very important personal entry; Pam Helm is the love of my life, the woman that I want to spend forever with. It has been a very very difficult month for us, and it may continue to be difficult. But I feel so strongly that we should be together, that she makes me a better person, and just wanted to ensure, that she knows, that everyone knows how I feel about her. I love you Pam, getting this house, being seperated by such distance, and the constant "hello's" and "good-byes" may be stressful, your work might suck big time right now. But I am here for you, and will always be here for you. Be safe, and be strong. | 2113EST 2NOV2005 - I have a million little bits of thoughts that I want to type, but all that I can make any sense of to say is: Hi!| 2128EST 1NOV2005 - I am a bit overwhelmed right now. I am trying to take on some big home projects, and some other things in my life, please forgive me if I fall behind in my e-mails, or haven't responded. Or if I haven't called, I care about all of you, and am trying to get everything back in some resemblance of an order. It feels like I am living two lives right now, one on the weekends where I go down to Virginia and get to be the caring loving individual who owns a house and be with my love, and another life durning the week were my job is to do someone elses every little whim and wish just so I can keep a "day staff" (Monday-friday) job with good hours, also just am in the Navy in general. It's a wierd transition to make every week, it just feels sureal. blah blah blah, I am tired and blogging, probably not the most exciting combination for all you to read, but ohh well. More exciting stuff coming, like haloween pictures, and my weekend project pictures, and well more of my random typing and over anazlyzing. | 2052EST 26OCT2005 - Fighting back jealousy right now... running out of stuff to keep my mind busy... no comments... 1427EST 19OCT2005 - What is this? Two featured picture updates in two months! *GASP!* All kidding aside I always feel so artistic when I get to put one of these together, so as usual please let me know what you think. Personally this set isn't as good as my last one, the pictures aren't as interesting, but darn it I only had 16 pictures taken and all of my batteries died =( And of thoose 16 only 6 were worth putting up. ![]() 1424EST 18OCT2005 - I am a high maintenance boyfriend. I need to be called, e-mailed, and just shown that I am loved. I once had a friend who told his girlfriend (who latter complained to me) "why do I need to tell you or show you that I love you, you know it don't you?" That is utter bull ****, if you love some one and care about them then darn well you should make sure you let them know. That is the one thing in this world that everyone wants, to feel loved and special. | 1549EST 16OCT2005 - *Begin Rant* Where did all of our money go? How did we end up with no money left to work on our house? Ohhh yes I remember, we were 'forced' into buying a new truck for $14.6k in cash. *sigh* I am frustrated because I would love to do so many things with our house, but we are low on money. Granted yes we could have got some cheaper used car, or used truck. But even the used trucks we looked at were only a couple of thousand cheaper. Either way, I was bumming on my self for not planning well enough before getting this house to do the improvemnets we wanted, but I realized I shouldn't be blaming myself. It would have been impossible to predict that we couldn't get Pam's car inspected, and that we would want to buy the truck with cash to not mess up the mortgage/pay extra intrest. Considering it all, I think we are doing just fine, it's just frustrating. *End Rant* | 2339EST 13OCT2005 - More about my remodeling last weekend. 2248EST 13OCT2005 - Want to see something really pretty? Blue Marble - A composite picture of the earth as viewed from satallite, where they used all the pictures over a year to create a "cloudless" earth. So the picture is "real" it's just hundreds of pictures stitched together. Really pretty. | 2309EST 10OCT2005 - Just got back from downtown, a bar none the less. Thoose of you who know me will gasp, because well... I don't drink, and I am seen downtown about once in a blue moon. But this evening I told some co-workers I'd go watch Monday night football with them. Another thing I am not really big on... sports, except hockey, which is cool, but I don't watch it religously any more... anyways. The bar had the coolest thing ever! It's called QB1, basicly it's a little wireless device that had some buttons on it and a little screen. Anyways you are competing with the other people in the bar that have one (the bar provides them for you if you ask), and durning the game, you try to call the play the QB is going to make before the snap. So now you aren't only watching the game but trying to guess what they are going to do, and competing against other people. Was lots of fun I even won for the most right guesses and had a 95% accuracy with the chargers, the steelers on the other hand, try a 54% accuracy. But alas I am tired and left at half time. Ended up spending $10 for 3.5 hours of fun and well got a little practice on the social skills ;P 1511EST 10OCT2005 - I suck, and I'll be the first to admit it, at e-mail. It's just been lately, and I don't know why, but I will come up with the most random stuff to do instead of sitting down and writing an e-mail. It has NOTHING to do with anyone in particular, it's just me, in an e-mail funk. Because I love getting e-mail and I love chatting with friends, but lately I have sucked. So I apologize. ![]() | 1135EST 5OCT2005 - Just came back from way to much DDR'ing at Jeff and Juri's. And for them here is a picture of my dinner... ![]() 1514EST 5OCT2005 - How is it that I am working so much less these days, but still feel like I can't keep up with life? ;) Anyways everything is good up here. The weather is at its absolute best, ~70degrees and the leaves are starting to change color. Which brings me to my favorite part of fall, I love how cars look! It sounds silly, but driving on two lane roads all the time, with some nice curves, and a few leaves on the ground. It just makes every car that drives by look like a commercial, I absolutly love it =) | 1947EST 3OCT2005 - I am exhausted. I had a great weekened, Pam came up this weekend. We walked around Saratoga State Park, then worked out, then went on a 3-4 mile hike that was rated moderately difficult, then went and had dinner at the Petersons and DDR'ed a little. Then went to work. Anyways, I am dead tired, my body is running on... well I am not sure... but anyways I'll write more later. | 1525EST 28SEP2005 - Be kind this is an extremely personal blog I realized some things today:
| 2221EST 27SEP2005 - All is well in the world of Pam and Matt. There was some confusion, and miscommunication. Just normal silly stuff. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I am really tired, but will try to post some stuff tommorow about what we did this last weekend. Pam is coming up to visit me this weekend, pretty excited about that =) | 0730EST 26SEP2005 - I got off one of my first connection flight yesterday, and checked my voice mail. I smiled because I had to two messages, and I figured both were from Pam. However as it turned out, my smile dropped because the message started out just something like this "Why does the TV not work!? I can't see any picture or hear any sound" Yup first sentance of the message was like that. And there was more, nothing really mean though. Either way, it just kinda felt like she was blaming it on me. She was the one that asked me to make the cables in the back of the reciever look neater, so we tore apart every one. Yes I guess I should have tested it before I left, but we were crunched for time, I was barely on time for my flight as it was. Anyways it turned out that, well, quite frankly I have no idea, the sound from the cable box does not appear to be function as it should *shrug* but I still woke up today feeling angry, it's not not my fault the cable doesn't work, do I really deserve two messages that sound like she is angry at me? | 0956EST 23SEP2005 - I am giddy with excitment, Pam is home in about 2 hours. | 1128EST 21SEP2005 - In a crazy twist of wierdness I got the next 4 days off work and am flying down to Norfolk tonight. Might be able to post pictures while I'm down there might not. But figured I'd let you all know. 0730EST 21SEP2005 - DUDE!!! It's Oregon Trail!!!! http://www.virtualapple.com/oregontraildisk.html | 1650EST 20SEP2005 - I got to talk with Pam for 6 minutes, then the phones cut out on the ship. But you know what. That was the best 6 minutes of my day, and served as a nice little dose of love, just what I needed today. =) 0627EST 20SEP2005 - WTF?! I QUIT! This appeared on my account today, RANDOMLY. Everything else is still there, and no money is missing from any of my accounts (other then the $5000 they allready stole from my mortgage) ![]() I didn't make a payment, as a matter of fact, I told them I was NOT going to make a payment until they resolved this. And it's not a reversal of a reversal because there is no principal payment!@#%()*@#$_^@!*#^_#@$*__%$@%_@*^ | 1231EST 19SEP2005 - I am about to scream. My blood is boiling. I am breathing fire. I have made 3 payments to our mortgage, with money from our checking and savings account. The money is gone from my accounts, and until last Friday had been applied to my mortgage. Then Navy Federal Credit Union has magicly reversed all my payments. AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHY?!%!@#%!@# It's going to take them 2 days to figure out why. When I asked them who can perform a payment reversal, they said only I could. I MOST certainly did not ask them to reverse my payments (which by the way weren't reversed in to my bank accounts, but into some random NFCU account that only they have access to). Anyways to show what I am talking about I have included the follow chart, which they so kindly provide, but can't explain WHY THE HECK they did what they did. *breathes in, breathes out* ![]() Stupid NFCU Payment Reversal, I shold have gone with USAA. | 1839EST 18SEP2005 - So I have had some people join the blogging world, feel free to support them. And e-mail them instructing them on the importance of having a comments section on their blog (In Jeff's case one that others can actually post to, since it is restricted ATM). Life begins when your kids go to preschool and Anything Jeff . While I'm at it, I supposed I'll link out my favorite blogs (click at your own risk) : Warm Cookies With A Whiskey Chaser - Sexy Pilot Breitberg - Tunagirl That's all at the moment I can think of really. 1830EST 18SEP2005 - Digging through some old pictures found some of the love of my life when we were just friends =) ![]() 1743EST 18SEP2005 - Life should be about giving. If you truely desire to make some one happyr, you should revel in giving. This applies in all areas of life that I can think of. You know how much you enjoy recieving that special phone call? or that little note? If you enjoy thoose, then imagine the feeling that you get knowing you gave someone else that feeling. If you are willing to selflessly give to others, your life will be brightened by it. Just a random thought for today *shrug* 1230EST 18SEP2005 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERIE!!!!!! | 1812EST 16SEP2005 - Updated my contact ME page with a new address / e-mail address. 1658EST 16SEP2005 - Heres the graphic intensive (sorry Pam) entry about my house and what I did over the weekend when I went home.
Did I mention that by sticking to a budget and living a lifestyle way below our means that we have no credit card debt. And that we are going to furnish the bedroom, living room and dining room, while maintaining no credit card debt. Also we have allready paid enough mortgage payments, and extra principal that we have shorterned the life of the mortgage by 1 year to 29. The budget, our communication, understanding, and our love has made this process so much better and so easy. I love it, I love you Pam. 1553EST 16SEP2005 - So, my friend Juri has pointed out that my previous entry is retardedly phrased (as was this sentance!). Let me clarify: 1351EST 16SEP2005 - The Truman is coming home!!!!!!! On a work related note, I spent 6 hours at work today to do 15minutes of work, because people are stupid. | 0727EST 14SEP2005 - ![]() Pam and I, for the first time entering our house. | 2306EST 13SEP2005 - Tonight is one of thoose nights, where I have flash backs to the pain of the six month deployment, the feelings of lonelyness, heartbreak, fear. It tears my heart apart, and my thoughts run in circles around issues allready resolved, choices that have been made. But it will pass, as I try and focus on the good, on the positive, the brighter side. | 1513EST 13SEP2005 - ![]() September 11th 2005 | 1337EST 13SEP2005 - I am going to cry I think. I have high speed internet again. ahhh how I missed thee! 1022EST 12SEP2005 - So I have lots of stuff to share, so much in fact that honestly I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I am in the cycle of my life where I am juggling 100 things and hoping none will fall, but really have no control over any of them... On a seperate note, in the last month, the number of people that read my blog has like tripled, so hello to all. And tommorow I get a reliable internet connection, as I have been trying to tap off of neighbors, but it has not been working well as you can tell by the definate lack of entries... Okie well I am off... PS: Pam, your the light of my life. | 0315EST 2SEP2005 - I have moved to a new apartment, and am tapping in to someone elses wireless internet to write this. I also am a proud new homeowner, pictures and more coming in the future. ![]() I found this picture and cleaned it up a litte, I think we look darn good ;) | 2128EST 21AUG2005 - ![]() | 1111EST 20AUG2005 - For thoose of you that don't know. Pam and I are closing on our first home together next Thursday (8/25). If you would like to help us out we love any of these stores ;) Bed, Bath & Beyond - Lowe's - Home Depot - Ikea | 2229EST 16AUG2005 - Added 400+ new pictures to my 'Entire Photo Gallery' up to date to 9AUG2005. Lots of pictures from the USS Harry S. Truman Friends and Family Day 2005 1642EST 16AUG2005 - You ever have one of thoose days? Where the world seems to click together? Today was that day for me, after a trying morning of talking to Pam who was up on the wrong side of her bed down in VA, I still was upbeat and ready to go, feeling like I may have made her day better by talking with her. Then I get to work, and well quiet frankly it was a darn good day at work. Get home, check my e-mail, the account I don't use any more, on a whim. Turns out the minute I checked it, an old friend sent me an e-mail... PS: I will share with you one of the revelations that I have had in my life. Life is about growing up, but you never are done growing. People see marriage as the final hooray then they are "grown up". That's wrong you see!? People are always growing, when I look at Pam and tell her "I love growing up with you" it means that I am always growing as a person, never, even at 90 am I not going to learn something new about life. So don't forget that, you're still growing up, I'm still growing up, there is nothing better then growing up =) Learn from the bad, embrace the good, don't be scared to try something new, and live your life. that's my current motto, but it's still growing to ;) | 1144EST 04AUG2005 - I love Pam, I love hearing her voice, I love seeing her, I love everything about her. Her smarts, her determination, her morals, her beautiful looks, her genuine heart, her amazing voice. Everthing. Love! Love! Love! Love you Pam! | 0640EST 02AUG2005 - I am in the middle of a GIANT project. I have carried with me for years boxes of pictures, old love notes, random reciepts, and various other memories that I do not want to lose. But now, I have decided, that I really don't really look at them all to often, so what is the point of keeping them around. ![]() Yes Pua, I have a much larger copy, and one should be in the mail to you in a couple of days =) | 1653EST 29JUN2005 - So I was a little scared, Pam recently told me that she wants to move in an area that is a little more expensive then we were originaly planning to move in to. I was worried about not being able to afford it given our fiances, and monthly income and what not. Well today since I found out that I am going to Norfolk, I called up Navy Federal and talked with them, they offered to pre-qualify us for a loan. So the final number they came up with? They will let us borrow $354,000!!!! I started laughing when the guy told me that number! That is an ungodly amount of the money, and I was worried about them approving us for a $200k loan. | 1449EST 29JUN2005 - YES! YES! YES! I haven't updated much lately because I have been freaking out, well not really, but my brain has been a wreck. I have spent the last month and a half waiting for a job to open in Norfolk, VA and guess what one finally opened! And guess who got selected for that job? That's right me! So now, some time in the next 6-12 months I am leaving NY and moving down to Norfolk, with Pam. Which means, all that money that we have been saving this last year, now totaling in excess of $30k, can be put to our goal of owning a house! So I get to start house shopping, and what not, ohhhhh I am so excited =) I was worried for a while there, but now that I have confirmation that I can go to Norfolk, the future is looking very bright indeed! | 1714EST 7JUN2005 - I have a new cell phone, the new number is 757-667-1095. | 0116EST 17MAY2005 - Howdy all. So it has been one month that I have spent with Pam. So now you all can breathe a collective sigh of relief, every thing is good between us. We were down in Norfolk,VA for a while then spent a couple of days in Idaho, went to Yellowstone, then back to New York (Saratoga Springs), finally we took a 2 day trip to Niagra Falls (the canadian side, cause the american side is ghetto spectacular.) Anyways most of the pictures are up. Almost have taken and posted 4000 pictures now. Lets see if I had to buy the film and print everyone of thoose that would cost me about... $700 or so. | 1120EST 1MAY2005 - Well hi all. I am here, with Pam, and doing rather well if I may so myself. It has been an rocky ride at times, battling over the differences of 6 months in a different world, 6 months of different feelings, and of being forbidden from touching another person in any sort of intimate fashion. Overall I am very happy. Nothing major happened, nothing that would tear us apart. I don't know, looking back at the previous 6 month makes me shudder because of how awful it was, but as I look across the room at her napping right now, it makes everything seem better. -With much love Matt PS: Pictures of the homecoming are now up on my album, starting around 3400. | 0100EST 17APR2005 - I am terrified. I am happy. I don't know what to feel. I am angry. I am frustrated. I am relieved. I am electrified. Tommorow is the day... | 2227EST 7APR2005http://www.milkandcookies.com/links/9030/ this is making me laugh more then it should I think... | 1619EST 6APR2005 - I was furious at Pam the other day. She pulled into a port and had promised to call me, but instead went out with her friends. No phone call the next 2 days, which brings me to today... Anyways so I was FUMING mad, thinking to my self "does she even think about me?" "does she love me?" "Why doesn't she care enough to pick up a phone?".... | 1125EST 3APR2005 - Tunagirl said it right. She said that you can talk with your loved one on the phone until you're broke, or e-mail a million times, even send gifts, but... Nothing can take the place of being held by your loved one. Nothing eases the pain of not being touched in an intimate fashion (even as simple as holding hands) by the person you are commited to in your life. Only two more weeks until my first 6 months of hell are over... | 2147EST 1APR2005 - I think 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' might be my favorite movie ever. I am not sure if everyone does, but I relate so much to Joel. I think this movie is one of the best love stories I have ever heard, with some of the most excellent writing. Some of the lines just blow me away. 1438EST 25MAR2005 - In a sharing mood today, as evident by my 3 posts in the blog now. Anyways, you know what I was just doing that I felt like sharing? I was tapping beat to a song... Now that may not be anything special to most people, but for my white arse to keep any sort of beat, well that is a miracle. I am not kidding, you can have a pounding bass in the back ground and I used to not be able to keep a beat... 1411EST 25MAR2005 - Okie, well I just uploaded all my pictures in the last 6 months. You will notice a LOT of self-potrait pictures, because well I have to remind Pam how sexy I am ;) Anyways, feel free to take a look, if you would like a copy of any of them let me know =) BTW the link is on the left bar, but here's another 1044EST 25MAR2005 - Was bored the other day, and messed around with my camera a litte. Then messed around with the picture a litte and came up with this arsty picture of me.... Ya I don't have a shirt on, bite me =) On a side note I am working on updating my photo album, going to take a couple hours though, as I have almot 6 months of pictures to resort/convert/resize/upload... will post again when I am done. 1854EST 23MAR2005 - Pua passed this on to me quiet awhile ago, but I forgot about it until today when I started building up my MP3 collection again (Lost them all about a year ago and never bothered until now). 1. Total amount of music files on your computer: 32hrs @ 3.22gb 2. The last CD you bought was: Well what do you mean by 'bought', if you count the russian mp3 magic at www.allofmp3.com then: Songs for Silent Movies by Something Corporate 3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message? You're going to see a theme here... Konstantine by Something Corporate 4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you:
5. Who are you going to pass this stick to? (3 persons) and why? I am embaressed to say, I don't have any blogger people to pass it on to... All the blogs I read I found from Averie's or Pua's. So if you would like to take this, go for it =) 0836EST 22MAR2005 - Okay so I found my new excitement. Me and Pam are going to Hawaii when she gets back... speaking of which, would someone get me this fancy zip-lock bag so I can take the most awesomest pictures ever?! PLEASE!!!!!!http://www.adorama.com/EWDCA1D.html 0849EST 20MAR2005 -*sigh* i work my butt of at work, and I am not even going to get a good "eval" which is how they determine to promote people. Well I guess I really am getting a good one, but not the best. I am just not good at settling for second best. You know one of the hardest things in the world to hear. Pam recently told me that she hadn't sent off a package because she was lazy. That is a hard thing to hear, I mean, really that sounds like: "I was going to send you something, but I don't care enough about you to get up and do it." Sometimes I feel like I do so much for her, and think about her constantly, and she doesn't ever think about me.... Arg, I am sorry that this blog has just been me complaining lately, I am just so frustrated, I need a place to vent without reprocusions; without worrying about hurting feelings. I am going to try to go out sometime soon and start taking some pictures again, it just needs to get a little warmer so my fingers don't get numb trying to operate the camera. ok well I guess I am going to bed (working the midnight-8am shift a couple more days), I would just like to thank Pua for leaving a comment =) First one, woot! 0541EST 16MAR2005 - You know you are significant other of someone in the military when:
On a different note, I am so tired of being alone, I am tired of being so moody, I am tired of missing Pam, I am tired of hurting everytime I see some one drink, I am tired of being mad, I am tired of crying. I am just tired of it all. My daily desires consist of waking up, showing up to work late, leaving work and going to bed. Thats all I want to do. Any free time is no good. Sleep is my friend. Now don't worry about me, I am okay when it comes down to it, just horribly lonely. It almost feels like I have gone through an awful break up, I mean I sometimes have to remind my self that I still have a girlfriend. One day I actually thought to myself "I wonder when my friend is going to e-mail me from the ship" then I realized I was thinking about my girlfriend. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO STAY CLOSE TO SOMEONE AFTER BEING SEPERATED FOR SO LONG?! And it's worse then a long distance relationship, at least then you can talk to the person when ever you want, me I can't do anything, I get a couple line e-mail every day and a phone call every other week. #$^@#&^!#$&@#$&$@#&!& I hate it, I love Pam and respect how hard it is on her, and I am not really mad at her, I am just mad at the situation. Mad with no one to be mad at. 1644EST 7MAR2005 - Okay, I am back, I have found who I am again. *wipes his foreheade* phew do I feel better. Just feel like I went through a mid-life crisis in February, maybe it was just a mid-deployment crisis or something. 1954EST 2MAR2005 - If anyone is interested in having Microsoft Office, but not paying hundreds of dollars I highly recommend checking out OpenOffice Beta 2.0, it is amazing. Almost identical to Microsoft in terms of feel, but free. Opens all office files just fine, includes their version of Word/Excel/Power Point. 1916EST 27FEB2005 - It's not often I find something that amazes me, but today, oh today is the day. I have been in need of a new cell-phone for about 9 months now, but I don't buy stuff on impulse... oh ok I try not to. Anyways I have saved up a good amount of money, and was going to start shopping for one when Pam got back. Sanyo MM-5600 Multimedia Phone Introducing a new era in camera phones! The MM-5600 features a 1.3 Megapixel camera, a removable miniSD memory card and a built-in MP3/AAC music player. The MM-5600 supports Sprint PCS Multimedia service, which lets you to watch and listen to on-demand video and audio. It also supports Sprint PCS Ready Link, which provides nationwide walkie-talkie-style communication. Other powerful capabilities include a high-quality SANYO speakerphone, a 2.1” QVGA-resolution internal LCD display with 260K colors, PictBridge compatibility, and a voice recorder that gives you up to 60-minutes of record time. Ok, just reading that makes me excited. I mean a phone, that is an MP3 player, a camcorder, a megapixel camera, and has REMOVABLE memory all in one... Umm pardon my excitedness... ohhh so beautiful technology is! 1109EST 27FEB2005 - My friend Nicole told me something the other day, she told me that if i started drinking she would be mad at me because for so long I haven't "needed to fit in to other peoples stereotypes why should you now? You the only truely independant person I know" 0619EST 27FEB2005 - So my last entry was the culmination of my emotional low of the month, my physical low, and getting sick. Pam, being the sweetheart she is, called me even when she wasn't supposed to and cheered me up a little. She also said something about not changing that much. So I figured I should expand on that a little, since I realized it seemed like I am terrified of change. 1700EST 25FEB2005 - Despite the nice things Pua has said about me recently, I am doing awful... absolutly awful. It feel like my world is falling apart. Everything I know has changed, everyone I know has changed, I don't have any really good friends to talk to and even if I did it wouldn't help. I don't need someone to talk to, I can talk to anyone at work about anything. I don't know what I need... but i am not doing well. I haven't seen my girlfriend in 4 1/2 months, I have 2 more to go. That amount of time, she has changed, and I am scared. Scared to death, because she has to changed to the kind of person that I usually don't get along with. She has lived out on the uss harry s. truman, for this time, up to 7weeks between seeing land. That changes people. Not to mention how is one supposed to have a relationship with 3 e-mails a week and a phone call every other, thats all that I get... I know she is busy, I know her life is sucky. But mine, might just be worse. She is so busy she has no time to do anything. I on the other hand, work for 8 hours, then have 8 more at home to think, to think about us, really as it turns out to drive myself crazy. I have lost confidence in myself, I have lost confidence in my relationship, I have been on the verge of crying for a week now, I feel like a girl PMS'ing. I don't know know what to do...... I have a story to tell, one that has crushed my heart recently, but i am waiting for Pam's permission to tell, it involves her obviously so... maybe you'll hear it maybe not... *shrug* only 2 more months of hell.... i hate the navy.. I feel so broken inside that I don't know who I am anymore 2017EST 21FEB2005 - The secret to being happy? Give to your significant other everything that you can, without expecting any return. The catch? There has to be some return, otherwise you get drained and lose your desire The solution? If you both give your absolute most to the other, without keeping score, you will find happiness. 0421EST 20FEB2005 - *bubbling over with love* I got to talk to Pam for 3 hours! It was the first call I had gotten from a hotel in almost a year. Holy bajesus, don't even know what to say. 2102EST 18FEB2005 - Ever feel like to failed because of someone elses actions? That is how I feel right now, like had i done more maybe I could have stopped Pam from doing something that I don't agree with. I feel like I dropped the ball by taking for granted that she wouldn't, for not telling her more how much i loved that she didn't, for not saying thank you enough. I feel like I failed, I feel like I suck... I know, I know, I can't blame myself for someone elses actions, and I don't. I just feel like I failed in providing some extra support. And, no, i won't tell you what it is that I failed at stopping, only that 96% of the world would laugh and say that I am retarded... but it matters to me.... 1019EST 11FEB2005 - i did a little self assesment today, and I am not faring to well, hehe. Motiation: 0 Energy: 0 Willpower: 1. Now thoose numbers and areas of self assesment came from no-where particular, just my brain (which at the moment is on mids, and hasn't heard from Pam in a little while). Ugggggggg... wish I could hibernate... 0032EST 08FEB2005 - Emotions are funny, i don't really understand mine sometimes. I get a letter from Pam today and an e-mail, quiet a rare occurance, but for some reason it didn't make me happy, I don't know know why, both of them were nice and didn't have anything bad in them to make me upset, maybe it was just a tough day at work, maybe it just hit me that she is still away from me for 2 more months, but I am just not happy and peppy at the moment. I'll re-read them tommorow and maybe they will make me happy then =\ *shrug* I wish I knew what I was feeling sometimes... because I can't describe it at the moment 0205EST 02FEB2005 -"I want to return this president...he's defective. He's got a goofy, cross-eyed look." Quote from some guy on www.fark.com that made me laugh. 2 and 3/4 months till I get to see Pam, things are going allright, at least now we are half way through it! 1413EST 29JAN2005 - 2357EST 24JAN2005 - Rolling on the floor laughing, I just found this in my archive: 2337EST 24JAN2005 - Have you ever had to spend 6 months away from the person who completes your soul? I am only 3 months through this 6 month deployment of my girlfriend/best friend, and it is the most difficult thing I have ever done. It's not difficult as in thinking about cheating or anything, but it's difficult as in, the person who is my sidekick, my dearest and most important friend, is not here to share my life with me. In fact it feels like we are living seperate lives that may never come back together. But I am sticking it through, for love, because the love that I have for Pam is unconditional, miles can't diminish that, hours and days can't seperate us, and change is what we based our relationship on. We will grow old together, and grow up as people, but it will be together! In the end, what is 6 months? 1751EST 20JAN2005 - hmm went a little overboard this month. yes in the last 4 days I have spent as much as ALL of last month combined. hehe guess I am going to be leading a skimpy month of Jan/Feb =) I blame Pam of course, being as I bought almost $200 worth of stuff for her, cause I love buying things for her, and well the other $200 went to food, with a $100 for misc. other things. 1148EST 17JAN2005 - I am the man, finaly after years of struggling, I think this proves I have a grip on my finaces. Let me tell you, it has been an incredibly difficult journey, but as you can tell its worth it =) The best thing, almost every single dollar of this is alloted to some goal, weather it be a new car, or a new house, or a new cell phone. It all has a purpose. LOL and contrary to many peoples beliefs, I am not rich, I just choose to pay for things in the opposite manner of most people, I prefer to have the money before I spend it. So don't think I am living high and mighty, because I am employed by the Navy, you can look at my salary online, its not much. I just live WAY below my means. ![]() 0908EST 09JAN2005 - Sigh, the most beautiful sunrise this morning, and I looked at my camera last night before I went to work and thought naw no need to put it in my car. 0521EST 05JAN2005 - In a foul mood today. If I can save one person from the misery of the Navy, please oh please don't join the Navy. Of course, more then likely you are like me, and couldn't get your act together enough to go to college, or take anything seriously probably for that matter, but the horrors of the Navy will change you I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I am glad I joined the Navy, sort of. It forced me to grow up, it forced me to live in house on my own, and it allowed me to meet the most special person in the world to me (thats you Pam). But then the Navy also has probably reduced my life expectancy due to stress, and takes my signifcant other away from me for 6 months at a time. Needless to say, if I had the option I would get out. However, I certainly don't have the option. Anyways, nothing to exciting going on here, hence the lack of recent updates. I am doing the same old, same old. Pam is still gone, and well I am trying to have this winter pass as quickly as possible. *sigh* okie well I am off to try to keep my eyes open for a couple more hours, start the 11PM-8AM shift tonight. 0231EST 27DEC2004 - I am in Love...... Ahh how I would love to have that fancy new GPS unit. I shall one day, yes yes I shall! 1904EST 13DEC2004 from: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/interact/survey.html ![]()
1. All nuclear materials remain highly toxic for thousands of years. 2. Man-made radiation is more toxic to humans than naturally occurring radiation even if the dose is the same. 3. The human body has the capability to repair damaged caused by exposure to radiation. 4. In the US, most cases of cancer in humans are known to be caused by man-made radiation. 5. I would rather live within a 50 mile radius of a coal-burning plant than a nuclear power plant. 6. One of the chief dangers from nuclear power plants is that they can explodelike a nuclear bomb. 7. It is safer to drive behind a tanker truck carrying gasoline than a truck load of spent nuclear fuel. 8.On average, people are exposed to more radiation from nuclear power plantsthan from radon gas in homes. 9.Since the construction of the first nuclear power plant, man-made radiation in known to have resulted in new species of plants and animals. 10. The fact that nuclear power plants have elaborate evacuation plans for the surrounding area indicates they are inherently more dangerous than other types of plants. 1400EST 06NOV2004 - Umm, so I requested my member number from my insurance company, and here is the reply I got: The information you requested is below. Sincerely yours, USAA Website Support Please note: This e-mail address does not accept replies. wow, that is helpful.... yup that was the entire e-mail, so I'm still looking for the information I requested, it must have fell off the bottom. =) 0910EST 06NOV2004 - Hey, in case anyone wants to mail Pam a package here's her address. Also a list of items that I think she would appreciate. Please keep in mind it will take about 3 weeks for a package to be delieved, and it should be in a pretty small box like 12x12x12, maybe a little bigger, but it is being delivered to a ship.
1130EST 05NOV2004 - Well, I guess now's the time to invest in oil and gold my friends, with a new 4 year term of the oil king. Record high national debt, causing the dollar to weaken to the Euro. Yup, yup, it's all about oil and gold, to solid investments in my opion... 2317EST 30OCT2004 - First things first. Was my girlfriend made to be a model or what? ![]() Well beside being beautiful and smart, she a wonderful person. And well quiet frankly, I love the bejezus out of her =-) Allrighty then, well I am going to Norfolk for the next week to attend a school on circuit breakers. Have funny everyone =) 0723EST 27OCT2004 - I invite everyone to look at my new featured gallery of pictures: From the Ground Up. BTW: I have moved my entire picture gallery to my personal page now, as I would like to have a more artistic photo page from here forward. 0402EST 26OCT2004 - I just fit 20 CD's of pictures onto 3DVD's, thats my entire picture archive, needless to say, it takes up a lot less physical space in my safe. (yes, yes, I keep my archive of pictures in my safe...) 0030EST 24OCT2004 - ![]() ![]() 1854EST 18OCT2004 - Oh BTW i updated my wishlist, hehe ;-) B-Day coming up... Dec 2. =) ohh and I updated my political blog down below with our wish-washy presidents flip-flops... 1841EST 18OCT2004 - Okie I had the funniest experience with sprint customer service. It begins with a man with a think Indian accent: S: "Hello how can be of help today?" M: "Um hi I'd like to change a plan for a friend today" S: "Okay your friend should change her own plan." M: "Yes but she is in the middle of the Persian Gulf right now" S: "Ohh wait shes a girl?" M: "umm yes..." S: "In the middle of the war in the Persia?" M: "umm well actually she is on an aircraft carrier in the ocean" S: "oh oh ohhh!" M: *thinking umm WTF?* S: "Oh pardon me sir, I just get excited and proud to hear women serve in the military! You be sure to thank her very much, she is so much braver then me!" M: "Umm sure thing..." hehe, he was actually one of the nicer and more understand customer service people I have talked to. I give him 2 thumbs and say go ahead, outsource my customer service if you want.. teehehe And for more laugh I found this in a news article today on Fark.com: "Thai hospitals, especially Bangkok's Police Hospital, have achieved some fame for their high success rate with penis reattachment operations" wierd huh? 2341EST 17OCT2004 - My new computer: ![]() ![]() ![]()
Now on to the politics... 2046EST 16OCT2004 - ![]() HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE FOR BUSH?! PLEASE LISTEN TO THE FACTS! ![]()
I'm ready for someone with new ideas, aren't you?If you think Kerry is a flip-flopper here are some of Bush's flip-flops:
1958EST 16OCT2004 - hmmm. funny how my list of stuff to do gets done... I just finished fixing my home page, not that it was terribly broken.. but it was broken.. anyways hopefully it will be easier to use and not have that annoying travel image that I never did anything with... anyways, more later I suppose. i do have pictures of the new computer, I just have to get around to doctoring them up for the web. ohh and my eyes are failing me, if I keep on losing eye sight at this rate I should be blind soon, sigh.. 2255EST 15OCT2004 - ohhh boy, I just got a new desktop. IT IS AMAZING.. more details later (and pictures cause this computer just looks hot!) 2048EST 11OCT2004 - Okay, so I am reading this book about why a 'logical' person should believe in god. The #1 argument, life cannot be created unless it is helped by something, in this case god. Then I ask you this question if life absolutly can't be created unless it is helped, who created god? If god is a being that created us, who created him, if someone did create him, then who created that person. Hence how could anything ever exsist? if something else was required to create it? It's a giant paradox that everyone attributes to believing in faith. Well let me tell you that I have faith... FAITH that if there was a god, he wouldn't really care weather you were chirsitian, morman, budhist, or anything, as long as you were a good person he would take care of you. However people will counter this argument saying it is moral relativism. *sigh* which is why I wish people would just let me be. Because I am in the best emotional state I have ever been in, in my life, I am going the way I want and doing just fine without being attached to a church... PS: I update my gallery with about 500 more pictures =) more coming soon. 0915EST 27SEP2004 - Have I mentioned how much I hate sluts, yes I said sluts. It could be a guy or a girl, anyone that sleeps around just to have sex. I mean don't get me wrong sex is good, however, a meaningful relationship is much better. I just don't understand, maybe I am wired up differently then other people, because I don't think of sex 24 hrs a day, or every time I see a hot girl think of what it would be like to have sex with her. It's just not me... *shrugs* Other then that I am traveling to Idaho and California in the next two weeks with Pam, speaking of significant others ;-) I am really excited, its going to be awesome to show each other all the places that we grew up. 0231EST 13SEP2004 - hi all! i'm doing to good, umm ya, new pictures coming soon (I think about 500 new ones, hehe didn't realize how long it was since my last update =) 1258EST 25AUG2004 - I love you Pam! 1255EST 25AUG2004 - Sometimes people truely surprise me, I would like to use Averie's Mom as an example. She was always nice and a sweet person, but I never really got to know her. But after reading her Blog, I feel like I know her better, and well, I just like her that much more. I can see how Averie became the wonderful young lady she is, her mom is a beautiful person... glad that I got the chance to 'get to know' her, even if through a blog. 2031EST 17AUG2004 - Howdy. How goes it? I am doing well, i have to try to stay up tonight cause I am working mids for the next week. Of course I played paintball all dang day today... so, all I really want to do is go to bed =) So much fun, i never pictured myself being the kind of paintball player I am. We were playing paintball football today, where in a small field a football is placed in the middle, the goal is to get to the opposite side of the field. Ohh ya but everyone has paintball guns, and if you get shot you have to return to your side of the field to 're-spawn'. Well after like 5 minutes and going through 750 paintballs, taking out opponents left and right... hmm I am out of paint. well I run behind this bunker and drop my gun and pick up the football with both hands. I look to my right, ohh good its a friend... oh no! he dropped his gun, so I tell him to run to the right, and then I will run to the left and score. So he starts running, and draws some fire... So I clutch the football, leap out from my bunker and sprint straight past two bunkers each with an enemy in them, jump over the boundry and slam the football on the ground, winning the game for the team. ohhh its awesome, the rush, the fact that I am capable of doing this stuff, the fact that I have self-confidence in every area of my life. sometimes it amazes me, I always knew how to act like a 'nice guy' but now, ohhh i am so much more... ok one more story from paintball. So we are playing this game and both my team mate get tagged out, so its me vs. 3 guys. For 5 minutes I roll back and forth, and manage to A.) defend my self and B.) tag one enemy out, then I make a run for it. As I am run I take aim and let lose like 15 balls at one of the remaing two people, as I slide straight in to a bunker. at this point I call for a paint check cause I thought I might have been hit, and I was... but in a 3 vs. 1 situation and I take out two. that rocks =) 2133EST 03AUG2004 - So you know what pisses me off lately... I hate when people realize, ohh man I'm doing something stupid, I should stop! Then a month later they are at it again. It's not like it's impossible to change or anything, you just have to work at it. I am a much different person then I used to be, but it's because I take the effort 1729EST 23JUL2004 - Pam's going to be back in a couple of days. Yay! So she talked with me yesterday and because it's secret and stuff couldn't tell me what day she was going to be home. Then I watch CNN for a bit and they told me when she would be home. I love the Navy's logic. 2052EST 22JUL2004 - I think have designed my best web site ever. Without further ado I present my newest hobby, paintballing. And my newest web designing passion: www.prompt-critical.com (site is optimized for Internet Explorer) 0813EST 18JUL2004 - So, people were recently claiming that F9/11 was all fake, but have no facts to back it up, so some on posted this picture, made me laugh because really the movie (as I understand it, haven't seen it yet) is completely factual, biased as all heck, but factual: ![]() 2053EST 14JUL2004 - What is wrong with the world these days? (BTW this made me laughing for quiet some time) 0156EST 9JUL2004 - And I quote: "A man caught driving naked from the waist down while watching kiddie porn on his laptop computer has become the first man in Toronto charged with allegedly stealing an Internet connection. Toronto police laid a theft of communications charge after busting a man driving the wrong way down a one-way street, downloading child porn using stolen wireless Internet signals." 1451EST - On my current trend of critisizing the dumb people in the world; Britney Spears is getting married out of love and needs no pre-nup for her $100 million worth... Gee all guy has to do is have as much sex as possible and leave her.. ohh and she bought her own engament ring, and ohh is supporting him to live because he has no job or money... what could possibly go wrong? 1332EST 7JUL2004 - Ok, have I mentioned my extreme dislike for Republicans in general? Fueled even more by Sen. Orin Hatch... Here is some of his views:
I do not like republicans in general.... However I will vote for them if I think they are good, like the Governator, who i did vote for =) 0922EST 5JUL2004 - I crack my self up. Every week or so I go grocercy shopping, and I pick up tin cans of beans, corn, yams, or maybe boxes of mashed potatoes. Now I have the intentions of actually using these things, because I keep on buying them. But I just realized something... My 'pantry' is overflowing with all these things, that I keep on buying but never use. hehe I just got around to finishing a box of mashed potatoes that I bought when Pam was living with me almost 7 months ago. So I think I might actually start using some of these things, and heck, I might not have to go shopping for another 3 weeks because of the massive stockpile that I have developed. ps: you know something wrong when your rice has expired =) yep my box of rice had expired luckily for me I have another one! (btw I hate rice :) 1238EST - So now I have read articles on Singapore, Australia, and Italy. All facing drasticly low children per mother numbers, its really weird to realize that my desire to not have kids is not a loner thing, but actually something that many countries are finding out. Anyways Singapore’s numbers last year was 1.26 kids per mother, compared to the 2.16 needed to maintain a population stable. Kinda interesting, wonder where this is going to lead the human race to in the next 50 years? I think it would be great to have a year where the global population stayed the same from year to year instead of growing, it also would be extremely interesting in the scientific view, for years we have been pondering “when will we run out of natural resources? And when will we reach the maximum population possible with the resources we do have?” but maybe it will be the first time that we actually see a society that is plagued by societal issues that cause it to limit its own population. I mean you can’t study how emotions affect animals, but the idea of humans actually becoming… umm… reaching the population cap because of general dislike of relationship, how the mother/father relationship works, state of the world, is a scientific wonder. I think it would be an exciting time, maybe we will finally have classes about relationships, and more pyshcology in high schools, even better sex classes. Think about it, we learn English, math, history, because we don’t want to be doomed to repeat the past mistakes, but they don’t teach us about how a good relationship should be, how to have decent manners (unless the parents teach it), how to have good sex? We have spent thousands of years refine our knowledge of other stuff, yet nothing has been passed down through society expect for rumors from friends and stories of your older siblings. In fact its taboo to talk about some of that stuff, makes you feel squeemish. Then of course comes the when is appropriate to teach them this stuff argument, anyways ponder that for a while... =) 1855EST 4JUL2004 - Happy 4th! And on an interesting note ever wonder what this means "Phenylketonurics - contains phenylalanine"? Click Here Or wondered if aspartame was really a good substitute for sugar? Click here BTW if you want to lose weight may I suggest that you eat less food. No matter what you may think it is impossible for you to not lose weight if you consume less then you expend. CNN just showed a study where they found that overweight people overestimate how much exercise they did in a week, and underestimate how many calories the take in. And guess what, that is why they are overweight. 2312EST 2JUL2004 - Bah! Once again I didn't win the lotto, nothing... =( 2048EST 2JUL2004 - The world is no longer safe. I have found the joys of paintball, in fact I just bought myself, a new marker (gun), camies, mask, holsterthing, ohh boy, I'm going to get a picture taken once all my stuff comes in. Yes, its great I get to goto a wood field and shoot students from work. ahhh so much stress relief ;) 1959EST 26JUN2004 - Haha, found this on the web: ![]() Have I mentioned what a tool this guy is? Now watch this drive... Watch the end of the F/9-11 trailer to get the meaning of that last line.1942EST 20JUN2004 - I was inspired by my good friend Averie Huffine to re-design my website, after she re-designed her blog. I have been meaning to for a while. You see the trick though is I have to make it so my actual writings are readable on a cell phone for my girlfriend (which means limiting the pretty stuff) but still make it look good overall. Tell me what you think. (I don't know why I even bother saying that, no one ever e-mails me what they think....) 1841EST 20JUN2004 - Ya, so I broke my camera by getting it a little too wet under niagara falls (opps), and it ended up that they wanted $1200 to fix it, so what did I do. I bought a brand new one with 2 batteries and a cool new grip thingi for $1350.. hhehe. I amuse my self, BTW. Don't get your camera soaking wet under Niagara Falls even if it says it is an enviorment resistant camera... 0606EST 19JUN2004 - Allright, so a week ago or so, I said that this friend from my past had e-mailed me, well I sent a reply and never got an e-mail back... WTF why even bother e-mailing me if you don't want to talk? People are really stupid some times... 0618EST 17JUN2004 - Have i mentioned how much I love the design on my front page. I think its the coolest thing ever.... 0924EST 14JUN2004 - Phew I feel better, sorry if I offended you but I had to say it, I am tired of people thinking they are protecting me by their pitful attempts, people have killed each other since the begining of time, get used to the fact that you might die one day and live with no regrets, I tell everyone exactly how I feel about them all the time, Pam knows every day I tell her I love here, every time I talk to my Mom and sister I tell them that I love them, same with my friends, i could die right now with no regrets cause I live my life the right way. I love you all =) 0859EST 14JUN2004 - Warning this article contains foul language and hate and discontent directed towards the postal service and alot of other people I am so god damn tired of saftey. I don't freaking care anymore, If a terrorist is going to freaking send anthrax to me let him do it. I am sick and tired of having to go through metal detectors at monuments which any mother fucker can run up to if they hop a god damn fence and light it on fire, anyone can get a pilots liscense rent a fucking plane and crash it into a monument, I have mailed 6 packages without customs forms attached that could have contained something illeagle NOT ONE HAS BEEN OPENED, yet JESUS CHRIST I can't mail a package today because I don't have a customs form attached that claims everything in the package is safe, BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY FUCKING SIGNATURE AFFIRMING THAT THE GOD DAMNED PACKAGE DOESN'T CONTAIN A BOMB sure as hell means that it doesn't. In fact dang I might start crying and tell you yes I was planning on blowing up the military boat by mailing a package to it, just because I had to sign a tiny piece of paper that says 'no this package isn't dangerous and yes you can search it' cause you aren't allowed to search it other wise. THIS IS THE BIGGEST WASTE OF MY TIME AND CROCK OF SHIT OUT THERE. YOU REALLY THINK THAT HAVING ME SIGN A PIECE OF PAPER SAYING THE PACKAGE IS gOOD WILL STOP PEOPLE FROM DOING SHIT?! FUCK YOU! FUCK SAFETY, IT TAKES ME FUCKING 4 HOURS TO DO FIFTEEN GOD DAMNED MINUTES OF WORK BECAUSE OF SAFETY, IN FACT THERE IS SO MUCH SAFETY IN MY LIFE IT ACTUALLY IS MAKING IT MORE DANGEROUS BECAUSE NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION TO THIS SHIT ANY MORE I DON'T CARE ABOUT CHECKING SOMETHING WHEN I AM THE FOURTH PERSON TO CHECK IT IN THE SPAN OF AN HOUR, LET ME DO MY JOB RIGHT AND IF I DONT THEN I DESERVE TO DIE FOR IT. BECAUSE YOU KNOW HAVING 3 PEOPLE CHECK SOMETHING WHO DON'T CARE ABOUT IT WILL SAVE YOU! AND YOU KNOW PUTTING A METAL DETECTOR IN FRONT OF A BUILDING WONT ALLOW PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE ALLEY ON THE SIDE OF A BUILDING WITH AN ENTIRE MOTOR BRICADE OF VANS FULL OF EXPLOSIVES THAT THEY BOUGHT IN CANADA OR SOMETHING AND GOT THROUGH OUR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT *DRIPPING IN SARCASM* CUSTOMS. YOU CANT STOP WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN PEOPLE GET OVER IT AND START LIVING YOUR LIFES, IF YOUR GOING TO DIE YOUR GOING TO DIE, AND IF YOU WANT TO SPEND YOU ENTIRE GOD DAMN LIVES LIVINING IN FEAR AND WAITING IN LINES TO GO THROUGH METAL DETECTORS AND SECURITY GUARDS THAT ARE AS INCOMPOTENT AS A FUCKING 3 YEAR OLD GO FOR IT. fuck safety, live a little we certainly aren't accomplishing anything grand with all this god damned saftey the Romans built a colleseumm that has lasted way longer then any of our fucking safe buildings, when was the last time we built a world wonder? OH WAIT WE HAVEN'T CAUSE THE SAFETY CONCERNS probably wouldn't let us, we might kill some speicies of MOSS that only grows where we want build it, ohh and then the handicap people couldn't visit, ohhh and then the retarded people could find their way around so it needs to be smaller, and then we are to cheap to build anything, fuck screw it we'll just admire the old wonders of the world and wonder why our fucking future is looking really god damned boring. Its going to be a really fucking dull world when every single person needs a saftey person looking over their shoulder so they don't hurt themselves. WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SENSE OF ADVENTURE AND LIVING LIFE TO ITS FUllEST, maybe taking risks every now and then, ohh ya safety won't let you take risks, hell safety wont let me mail a pack of gum to my girlfriend without filling out paperwork, oh ya safety means that I can't fly without have a person with an IQ of 2 check my boarding pass and match it to any form of ID. I don't know about the rest of you but this sounds like some really RETARDED shit to me. Way to breed our us to cultural extinction. BTW its unsafe to wear solid color shirts and religious head gear too, I HATE ALL YOU FUCKERS WHO THINK UP THIS SHIT, I HOPE YOU DIE AND FIND OUT THERE IS NO GOD, BECAUSE IF THERE WAS HE WOULD SMITE YOU DOWN FOR BEING A PRICK WITH SATANS COCK UP YOUR ASS, telling me that me filling out a paper will "protect the troops" burn in hell ass holes, telling me that the metal detector will stop people from hurting others, telling me that gangs were solid colors shirts so i cant, telling me that a fence that my Civic could run over is protecting a monument, tell me that the stairs are to steep for everyone to walk, basicly telling me that I can't live my life. I hope you die bored out of your fucking skull you scumbags. 0945EST 12JUN2004 - I would like to point out that I have recieved the EXACT same training FOUR times in the last TWO days for a total of 3.75 hours. In case any one cares because of events such as this is the reason I pay attention to NONE of the "training" I get. Also because they only "train" me on stuff I allready know anyways. 0933EST 10JUN2004 - okay, so I have a thing for squirrels, the damn things chewed a hole through my screen door to get to the peanuts I fed them, and then I swore them off, I said 'I will you feed you no more you litle #@%@#%@'s', well I broke down to today when the stupid squirrel was running in circles on my screen door, yes that is right he was running in circle sideways, *sigh* so I gave him a peanut. Anyways on a completly unrelated note, out of the blue a friend from the past e-mailed me, with a rather off the wall message, but you know what its cool. cause how many times have I tried to get in touch with Lauryn Mayo? Anyways so if your an old friend (even if we ended on bad terms) I don't mind you dropping me an e-mail (mattework@yahoo.com). <3 you all :) (especially you Pam!) 2001EST 9JUN2004 - According to the weather channel it is 93F and feels like 100F, I am roasting alive without an air conditioner in here! 0054EST 9JUN2004 - Hey all, so in the last 2 weeks, Vince came here, we toured NYC, went to Niagra Falls, thoose pictures were published in the local newspaper, visited Buffalo NY (which is the most ghetto place EVER), visited with the most beautiful woman in the world (thats my girlfriend!), and well I guess thats about it really. Ohh yes, I broke my camera, hehe apparently the Niagra Falls boat ride (Maid of the Mist) got it a little to wet ;P ohh well I sent it back to Canon to get an estimate on how much it would be to fix. PS: I updated my pictures now up to 2066 I believe. 1925EST 24MAY2004 - In the coolness of modern technology (the fact that this happened 15 minutes ago and I have pictures on the internet), check out some quick pictures of the insane thunder/hail storm from earlier. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 1013EST 22MAY2004 - Ekk! An entire month with no updates. Well guess theres not much to update, I threw up another 300 photos or so. Umm, other then that, to Pam, I love you baby! And I will get better at updating I promise. PS: Check out picture 1792, ohh its goregous! 2200PST 23APR2004 - so sitting her next to my sister and she said "why's it always with the british?" so I said "your moms always with the british" while my mom was right next to both of us. Needless to say I started laughing for the next couple minutes. 1259PST 23APR2004 - how do you sort through your past memories? Everyone has a box that has stuff from old friends, family, and lovers. How am I supposed to look through all of this stuff and sort it out, throw what I don't "need" away? I dunno this is tough though... 1949EST 22APR2004 - This is the coolest thing ever, I love technology! Right now I am sitting in some pizza place inside Pittsburgh airport. And because I have wireless internet on my computer I am accessing the internet, checking my e-mail, updating my website, all for free as a service from the airport! This is really a much better way of passing the time then staring out some random window while waiting for my flight :) 1503EST 18APR2004 - So, the pope today told the captures of hostages in Iraq that it is inhuman for them to take the hostages. You do know how much sway the pope has on muslims in Iraq, you know the pope said we shouldn't have these hostages any more dang, guess that means we'll set him free. 2323EST 17APR2004 - Wow, it's been a long time since I wrote anything. So anyways I am getting sooo pissed off at Ninja Gadeon (xbox game) and I stopped for a second and thought 'why do I get so pissed off at this thing?' then it hit me, because the game is too friggin challenaging, wait a second isn't that why you play the game? yes yes it is, to challenage your self and waste time really. Well dang guess I can't get frustrated with the game any more, just my self for not being able to beat it. :) 0420EST 5APR2004 - HAHA! It's 4:20 and I have the munchies... hehe ya so I decided I was starving then I looked at the clock and thought that was pretty funny. 2003EST 31MAR2004 - YAY! I went positive today, overall that is. The stock market is looking good again, unfortunatly when I decided to invest it was at the highest peak of the year and then people started selling, now it is coming back up again. Also go figure the only stock that I am doing super well with was a tip from a student at work. I didn't buy it just cause of his word, I did my own research, but without the lead I would have got into it much to late. I mean a 10% gain in less then a month is outstanding and I think its only going up. For anyone that is curious this is my current portfollio:
1425EST 27MAR2004 - Busy week, I drove down to Norfolk to visit Pam (pictures are coming eventually), and my roommate left, and I will write more later :) 1811EST 16MAR2004 - It's being content with who we are." - The Ataris - The Hero Dies in This One How many of you can truely say your happy with who you are and have utter and total self confidence? *grin* I can :) 1614EST 16MAR2004 - ha! just took a physical attraction test and a personality attraction test on match.com. It's pretty crazy how accurate that it got. Heres some of what they had to say about me. Oh and this is my "ideal" woman: ![]() 1747EST 15MAR2004 - attention Mr. Stock Market, please stop hammering my skull with all these bad days in row. Go figure I choose to invest an in the next 2 weeks all the gains of the previous 3 months go away... GRRR! 1341EST 14MAR2004 - Allright so I was a little scared when Visual Basic .NET came out, wasn't quiet sure if I would enjoy the new method of coding. After a couple of days now, I have decided that the new and improved error handling makes it all worth while. It used to be that if you wanted to deal with an error you would have to make sometime to handle every single type of error. But, with .NET, you simply say "hey try this and if that doesn't work well do this" ohh it is so great. On the negative side, trying to communicate between two different forms is a cryptic challenge now, where it used to be ohhh so easy. 1845EST 13MAR2004 - Who's your daddy?!? In 4 days I programed an entire FTP program that performs faster and more reliable then WS_FTP. Coming soon a new programing corner for my web page so every one else can benifit from these things. 2129EST 11MAR2004 - Thats it, I'm pissed off. My damned friend Barlow, changed his cell phone number and I most certainly don't have his new one. How am I supposed to find it? grrrr... 1951EST 11MAR2004 - Haha! I am good! I have been desining an FTP program and I finally figured out how to sort the damn files, it may not sound like much but believe me its an accomplishment! 1800EST 9MAR2004 - so proud of my self, I sat down today at work and realized that they took the games out of Microsoft Windows, particulary I noticed they took off Minesweeper. So what did I do, I opened Microsoft Excel. And using my knowledge of Excel and Visual Basics, and 2 hours later I had a working Mindsweeper game :) How awesome is that. On top of it all, I got my own copy of Microsoft Visual Basic today, finaly after I lost my last copy on a hard drive crash, I'm so excited I can't decide what program I want to make. 1715EST 8MAR2004 - Lessons Learned today: 1.) God forbid you try to register your car in New York. 2.) God forbid you get Navy Federal Credit Union to write a letter for you when getting your car registered in New York 3.) You are smarter then your insurance company. 4.) You are smarter then every single person in New York, if you were born in another state. 1745EST 7MAR2004 - Recently I found my self slipping into a hole again where I was spending more then I was making, now not nearly as bad as before, but still. Finally I realized what was missing in my budget, i wasn't account for spending money. I re-did my budget and wow. I feel so much better, I have $250 spending money every 2 weeks (now spending money means for groceries and stuff, also pleasure) and am taking into account rent, all while still putting away $400 every two weeks for investment in the good ole stock market, man I feel good about this! 1955EST 6MAR2004 - Incase any one was wondering at this very moment in time I was laying on my bed balancing my cell phone on my forehead and saying 'moo!' repeaditly.... 1639EST 6MAR2004 - I've come to the conclusion that you shouldn't loan friends money, give it to them sure. But never expect it to be paid back, at least the big money. How do you kindly remind a friend that they owe you thousands of dollars? *chuckles* you don't. You just bite the bullet and realize that at least you helped a friend out. So my new policy is to only loan what I don't expect to get back, or maybe that's allways been my policy and I just now realized it. I never really have expected any one to pay me back, i mean I am here for them and if they are my friends I have no problem helping them out, as long as its not habitual of course. 1134EST 5MAR2004 - Finaly updated my photo site, with about 150+ photos that I have taken over the last 3-4 months :) 1427EST - I forgot to tell everyone, I went flying in a little tiny plane the other day. One of my friends at work has his pilots liscence and took me and another friend up for a flight in a little 4 seater airplane. I didn't have my camera on me, but I borrowed one from a friend. Me & John - Downtown Saratoga Springs - The Race Track - The Kesslering Site (where I work!) 1454EST - As if any of you will be surprised but I am incredibly amused with this whole stock market thing. So over the course of today I made ~$8 out of the the ~$600 that actually was invested today. Effectivly I earned more today then if that same money sat in my savings account for an entire year. Now the part that amuses me even more is know that tommorow I could lose it all, lol this is a such a weird system to make money in. 1554EST - woot I knew I was getting smarter by the day. I scored a 1350 on my SAT this time around, and thats without studying :) 1747EST 4MAR2004 - Two important things to say. 1.) someone was talking with me the other day and said "what's the point in being jealous in a relationship, if the other person is going to leave you its going to happen weather your jealous or not, so why even bother being jealous?" Wow. What a totaly obvious statement, but it makes so much sense, defiantly on my list of changes to myself now. I mean doesn't that make sense, I can't even explain what an epiphany that is to me. 2.) I am nervous, I just invested in the stock market, bought my self a mutal fund, and of course 35 shares of Oakley stock :) *sigh* I am investing money now, please don't suddenly crash and die mr. stock market. 1317EST 2MAR2004 - I learned two things today. A.) Don't wave around a lighter that has wax on the end of it, especially when the wax is melted. B.) Getting Menthol in your eye makes your eye feel cold, which in its self is a very odd experience. 0821EST 27FEB2004 - Today I got consuled (spelling?), basicly, for looking too "jovial" while operating a nuclear power plant. *sigh* this is one of those days that makes me want to hurt someone... Comments? I really want to know if any civilian would feel uncomfortable knowing that sometimes jokes were told while operating a nuclear power plant. I mean smiling obviously means I wasn't paying attention or something. 0807EST 25FEB2004 - In case I didn't say it allready : ![]() 0632EST 25FEB2004 - "Hey, don't write your self off yet. It's only in your head that you feel left out, and looked down on. Just try your best, try everything you can. Don't you worry what they tell themselves when your away...." "Hey, you know they're all the same. You know your doing better on your own. So don't buy in. Live right now. Yeah, Just be yourself. It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else...." "Hey, don't write your self off yet. It's only in your head that you feel left out, and looked down on. Just do your best, do everything you can. And don't you worry what their bitter hearts are going to say..." - "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World. 1302EST 22FEB2004 - Woot! I will be in California from 2300 22APR2004 to 2245 26APR2004. Make you appointments now to see me on this rare trip home ;-) 0111EST 21FEB2004 - I went to the store today with my sole purpose being to use these coupons I got. I shop, pick up only the items I had coupons for, get the register, then get home and realize "hmmm this feels like, GEIGH@T(#@)$@I the coupons I didn't use grr....." 0316EST 20FEB2004 - At work today I invented an EO Cube warfare pin, and subsequently wore it around all day, and will continue to do so until it dies (due to the fact I made it out of tape). I figured I would post it, cause it would amuse Pam greatly. ![]() EM3 (EO3) Emerson PS: That is the Cooling Tower in the background 0028EST 18FEB2004 - Sometime I amaze myself. I have been following this new budget that I developed, where I treat my savings as a bill and etc, anyhow at the end of this year without counting any bonuses I recieve I will be on track to have $10,000 set aside in an investment account that for the last 3 years has averaged ~50% interest. If it maintains that average and I continue my investment plan, in 4 years I will have $100,000+ in the bank, even if it doesn't maintain that high interest I shall still be well on my way to a house down payment. *crosses fingers that he is able to keep this up* oh and by the way I only make ~$21k a year :) 0038EST 17FEB2004 - I am so in trouble. I just found the next camera I want. The Canon 1D Mark II. Ohh it is awesome... 8.2 megapixels, 8.5 frames per second, *drooling* now lets see can I afford a $4,500 camera. muhaha. Ok well on a slightly serious note, I know I am not going buy it, I have an 6.3 megapixel camera now, that does like 4-5 fps, and cost me $2000, so until technology allows me to get a camera with at least double the stats of my current one for double the price I can hold off, I'll patiently start a savings plan now however ehehehe! 2228EST 16FEB2004 - You ever look around and wonder, what is all this stuff. I definatly did that just now, I'm trying to clean up my room, and it just amazes me at what I decide to keep sometimes. I have decided to enter a new phase of my growing up now, it's called maintaining the clean bed room, yes, yes, I know you are amazed and excited for me. Anyways so far so good. ;-) 0100EST 16FEB2004 - In case any of you were feeling cold? 1940EST 15FEB2004 - For some reason I just feel like spreading my joy today, so here is another entry. I just beat Splinter Cell for the Xbox, I spent like 2 hours trying to beat the last level, simply cause I couldn't find any ammo. So with 1 bullet, 1 tazer thingi, 3 stun things, and a frag gernade I sucessfully killed 9 guys and the boss, ha! trust me, it was quiet a feat. Only later did I realize there was a box of ammo sitting in some obvious place that could have saved me quiet some heart ache. 1327EST 15FEB2004 - For any worried people after my last post... I am okay, my brain has returned to my body. Ohh and check out my featured pictures pages, it will be super cool soon ;-p 1225EST 15FEB2004 - It never ceases to amaze me, I decieded 2 days ago to delete all these pictures I had on my computer that I had archived to CD's because no one ever orders them and I have no use for them. Then bam now today I decide it would be nice to use them again... grr... 1958EST 14FEB2004 - Happy Valentines Day to everyone I love. i just saw 'down to you' I give it 8 thumbs up, I almost am crying cause of the ending. You kinda have to get past some moments of bad acting, but I think its great, going to buy it asap :) 2058EST 13FEB2004 - I am in rare form today, I actualy sat down and finished a redesign of the photo side of my website. Also I am looking for comments on my front page, how does it look, does it function, can you find your way around? Any input would be good. Getting a sore throat =( 2054EST 11FEB2004 - I had a bad day, but I writing to tell you all I triumphed over this generaly bad day, by simpling folding my laundry in some random fashion and putting it away. Don't ask, but this small feat almost turned the day from bad to good. I am defintly wierd. 1728EST 08FEB2004 - The story of today: I goto Bed Bath & Beyond to buy this $20 bath towel I have been eyeing for quiet some time. Forget my $5 off coupon. Grr... Get my towel and goto to the Navy Federal Credit Union, which requires that I go on base. Along the way I see this kid in the back seat of a car next to mine so I stick my tongue out at him, he looks at me and does the same, so I put my hands up and make moose ears while sticking my tongue out, he then plopped back down on the seat, therefore I obviously won. Anyhow as I get close to base, I get my ID out to show them it and see the plastic is peeling off the top, try to use some spit and sugar candy to get the plastic to stick to the top of the card. Get to the checkpoint, they ask to see my ID, and proceed to see the plastic peeling off the top, and confiscate my ID. Ohh and by the way, the base access sticker you have is expired, so they kindly peel it off my car as I wait to try and get on base. 2241EST 07FEB2004 - Howdy, all is well here. How is things there? Err, ya I am feeling a little wierd. Posted a new quasi review. Umm I really am wanting to redesign this site, so expect it soon, maybe. *shrug* on a side note, I had to swing the back end of my car out to avoid hitting a mailbox after starting to slide through a rain/snow mixture and half way deflated my right rear tire. So I have new tires. I am sure you all are thrilled to hear... That reminds me, this is for all thoose California's out there that have never heard of/seen freezing rain. It is the most aweful thing ever! So its really cold all night, then in the day it warms up as a storm passes through, so instead of snowing it rains. BUT because the night was so freaking cold when it hits the ground it freezes immeaditly into black ice. EVERYWHERE! I have seen more accidents in each freezing rain session, then in all the snow storms combined. Eck! 2053EST 02JAN2004 - First things first, as of this morning I was rated 186th on Counterstrike for Xbox LIVE for the month, just for perspective one of my other friends was rated 13,687th. Now I will say I think the ratings are a little jacked (as in how they calculate them), but still I was quiet proud :) 1530EST 24JAN2004 - ohh for about a month now I have been saying to my self, "Gee I really should update my website. Anyhow, first off, it is absolutly freezing here. About a week ago it got to -16 outside, now just for some perspective, a tear fell out of my eye and rolled down my cheek, it fell on to my jacket and as it splashed on my jacket froze, in mid-splash mind you. Just finished 3 super borning weeks of learning how to be an instructor and such not. Now I am going back to section. And as if I haven't said it before, I can get time off if anyone wants to come visit me, just gimme some warning :) Ohh yes, and as I was walking through the shoe department at Wal-Mart a phone rang on the wall right next to me, so I answered it "Hello?" "Is this the shoe department" "Yes it is" "Oh great i have a customer up here that has a size 14 leather suede sandal with no UPC" "Ok?" "can you try to find the UPC for me" "uhh sure, hang on a minute" Needless to say I was unable to find the UPC or even a way to call the person back but it was most amusing. 2230EST 16DEC2003 - Ever seen something that just made you laugh, read this and I will enlighten you with something that I just found. With no previous ado, and with out further ado, I present "So you wished for a white Christmas, huh?" 1852EST 12DEC2003 - Well the storm last week brought about 1 1/2 feet of snow! It was crazy, having never shoveled snow before I took an odd amout of joy of having to shovel the driveway 3 times in one day. On that note, if you want to get me a snowblower ;-) Other then that, not much going on. 0527EST 02DEC2003 - It's my birthday *does a little jig* I managed to get today and tommorow off work *Does another jig* Pam got me an Xbox *starts grooving* Going snowboarding today *starts jamming hardcore* And this is what was on my driveway this morning *busts out breakdancing* 0537EST 28NOV2003 - Well after less then 3 years since my first credit card, I recieved my first platinum card today, which I consider to be a milestone. I have built my credit up flawlessly, using a system that I just thought out my self, and have now followed through with. I started with a $1000 card with 23.99% interest rate, and now posses a lot higher credit limit with a fixed 7.99% interest rate. I am proud :) 1802EST 22NOV2003 - Ohh, I forgot one of the most exciting things... Someone actually bought a picture! So I was bored and offered picture 01256 for sale on E-Bay with a 8x10 frame, someone bought it! That is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while, they said they would hang it in their office and if anyone asked would recommend them to my site! Ohh that is so cool! :) 1741EST 22NOV2003 - Last night I battled long an hard with urge to buy a $1300 computer. Now I still really want that computer, but now I am smiling. I think I did it, I think I finally broke my bad spending habits. I realized that 'yes, I could afford it' but you know what, it can wait. I have a computer, if I need to play games or something to keep me busy I can go buy a $179 X-Box or something. So I sat down and figured out my finances and realized what a good choice I made in waiting for the computer. In about a month, I should reach my goal of $1000 in checking and $5000 in savings, now that I have established my base emergency and backup funds in my bank, I can start putting some money in IRA's for my retirement, and investing in some mutal funds to make much more interest then my bank offers. That computer would have crippled my plans, and now I can save over time for one instead, in a couple months I'll have my computer and money in the bank still. Hey I am proud :) 0509EST 22NOV2003 - Well its official, I am staying here for ~2 more years. I got staff pick-up, so I am going to be an instructor, teaching all the other nukes that come up here how to do their thing. The lovely Pam got Norfolk, Virginia, so ya thats that. I taught her how to snowboard at Killington the other day, or at least did the best that I could. It felt really good to snowboard again :) Guess thats it, talk to you people later :) 2118EST 16NOV2003 - Still feeling the sting... 2102EST 16NOV2003 - I think I might cry, i missed advancing to the next rank by like 3 questions on the advancement exam. Now don't worry no one should have advanced (only 2 out of ~500 who took it did) but my final multiple (used to determine weather I advanced or not) was 161.48, the required multiple to advance 162.20. That is less then a full point... ARGGG!!! As I said my chances of advancing were very very small, but getting so close ohh it hurts.. :) Hey did you read the entry below this? ;-P 2057EST 14NOV2003 - I figured i should put up a wish list, not that any important dates are coming up *looks around very innocently* 2106EST 12NOV2003 - I have recently been enlightened, you know that whole Homeland Security thing? You know the orange and yellow alerts, apparently I found the real scale that they are using to set these alerts. Simply move your mouse over the picture to uncover the truth. ![]() 0133EST 09NOV2003 - To further my hatred for Republicans. "Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us." -Dan Quayle 1252EST 08NOV2003 - "Congratulations on qualifying Electrical Opertator" Ahhh thoose words bring a tear to my eye practicaly. A year and half has come down to a 1 hour Final Board, on which 3 people sat and tested my knowledge, I am proud to say that I completed Nuclear Prototype in just 17 weeks, it is normaly a 24 week program. My board went very smoothly and people later told me that they couldn't stump me on any questions, I am very proud. All my hard work has payed off, now that I am qualified I no longer have to work 12 hours days, but instead only work 8 hour days, I get to stand watches with other student under my instruction, and well its just nice to know I have completed the toughest program in the world. I know more then I ever thought possible and well am just thirsty for some more. Any how, thanks to everyone that has supported me, I love you all :) Ohh and I posted it before but just in case, you can see the site that I work at in this picture, Click to see! 0816EST 05NOV2003 - What is this the 2nd entry in a week *gasp!* I did it, I have every single thing done, with the exception of my final oral board which is Friday around 1am :) I got a 3.40 on my final test, which is very good. I did put in for staff here, and finally figured I'd sit down and explain what that means. 1.) I have to re-enlist for 2 years (but get a ~$20,000 bonus for doing so), 2.) I am staying in New York for 2 more years, 3.) Need to find some sort of housing and what not as Pam will not be staying, 4.) People could definatly visit me during those 2years I get 1 month off every year ;) 1845EST 02NOV2003 - Oh boy.. I am almost done. I have to go in on my day off tommorow, I should be done in a couple more after that, yes that is right done with this school, 7 weeks early :) I also have decided that I am going to try and stay here for 2 more years as a Staff Instructor. There are definatly more pictures that I have posted (try browsing by number, haven't added them on the other pages yet). 1845EST 02NOV2003 - Oh boy.. I am almost done. I have to go in on my day off tommorow, I should be done in a couple more after that, yes that is right done with this school, 7 weeks early :) I also have decided that I am going to try and stay here for 2 more years as a Staff Instructor. There are definatly more pictures that I have posted (try browsing by number, haven't added them on the other pages yet). 0544EST 16OCT2003 - Ah yes, I am here. It was beautiful the last week, all the leaves changing colors, of course I was working midnight shifts and even more of an of course a huge wind storm came and ripped half the leaves off the trees. This means, oh of course very few pictures of the fall colors for me. But I am about to go romping around in the community park just down the road so i will see what I can do. 0822AST 29SEP2003 - Did you know Canada, at least the North Eastern portion, is in the Alantic Time zone? Crazy huh. So why does that matter, well of course because I am writing this on my way home from a crazy 4 1/2 day trip that took me to Maine and Prince Edward Island, Canada. Want to hear more, well read my story. Also without further ado, and with much pleasure I introduce a new way to view my pictures, I finally sat down and thought out a solution to my photo woes, while it isn't perfect I like it better then the previous system I was using, it is a lot more versitale. 1526EST 10SEP2003 - As usually been busy. I am so fed up with trying to organize my pictures with someone elses programs that I am just going to put them all up at once, one day I will organize them the way I want to. I have visted Killington, Vermont and New Hampshire since the last time I updated. I think we are going some place cool tommorow or the next day as well, but I am not sure yet. We just finished our week of midnight shift (working from 1930 to 0730), that was interesting. Anyways check all the photos out. 1717EST 24AUG2003 - Well, lets see, what is new. I now am the proud owner of the first 3 seasons of the Simpsons. It is so wonderful, at any given time I can just watch a Simpsons episode, ohh it's awesome. Hmm I went to horse races a couple weeks ago, it was pouring rain, so there are not that many pictures. This weekend I went to Albany, which is the capital of New York, you have to see the egg! School is tough, but luckly I am smart. Hehe anyway, I am doing well, we have a curve that we have to stick to, I am currently 15% ahead. Oh and I have decided that any orders for pictures, will include a free copy of a baby squirrel. I love squirels, they are so cute! 2047EST 16AUG2003 - A lesson in playing around. When playing around and prentending to throw a punch, do not make contact. I was at school and a friend was joking around and faked a punch at me, unfortunatly he made pretty good contact with my nose. Now nothing is broken or anything, I just have a sore nose and a friend who says sorry like every 2 mintues now. *shrug* it happens. 1730EST 07AUG2003 - Hello, well school is tough but fun but crazy but everyting. Anyhow I took a trip to New York City, and also my grandma Susan sent me this newspaper clipping. 1830 27JUL2003 - Okay, I was working on writing a program to put all my pictures in the format that I want and with all the information that I want, that was before I lost Visual Basic :( Which now means I have to start all over, assuming that I can even find Visual Basic 6 again, which is not the newsest version. So bear with my, my photo section will get better, one day. 1830 26JUL2003 - Here it goes again, yet another website. Yes this one is markedly blander then the last. But I swear I am working on it. The spruced up version is coming one day. Well I am in New York and have started this last phase of school. It is so cool, it is a self paced school which is awesome for me, I get to walk around learn about stuff and go into an actual plant to see the principles in action. I am doing well but the days are long, for the first 7 weeks it is M-F 0800-2000. OLD OLD ARCHIVES20FEB2003 1945EST – I love GEICO. I love them, in my opinion they are the perfect business, I think that everyone should get car insurance from them, I don’t really even know how their prices stack up, nor do I care, I call them to get a quote (I have had them previously) and the lady is nice and when she finds out I am active military says ‘Thank you for serving our country’ what do I say to that, she seemed to care and just tried get the best rates for me. I call back and get a different guy, he says that he can’t help me but if I would please hold he’ll find someone that can, he does, so I am talking to this other guy, and he is kind as can be and tells me the no BS answer to me question. Customer service A+++++++. I swear I never thought I would enjoy calling my insurance company, but I do, I feel good after talking with them, like an old friend or something. It’s awesome. 18FEB2003 2100EST – Ack, been awhile since I even wrote in here, let alone updated, well err things are going well. I have taken two more tests, overall I am the top EM. Currently ranked 3 out of 308 in my class, number one in my individual section. Its crazy, no time for much of anything really, just had a good three day weekend, I have a 4 day weekend coming up in March, any one want to come visit me? Hehe any how more later I love you all! Also my phone is always on, gimme a call anytime it doesn’t matter what time! 05FEB2003 2300EST – Laying here in bed. Thinking about a girl that got in to my head, with all those pretty things that she did. Pondering the meaning of life and love. How do you say stuff that you aren’t supposed to say to someone? How are you supposed to stop loving some one who had your whole heart? How long does it take to heal, or do you ever? Not really expecting answers, just an insight into my head and my heart for you all. 30JAN2003 1616EST – Hooray! Another test down, this time I scored a 3.96, only missed 2 points out of 260. It was in a subject that I was very worried about doing poor in so I am feeling much better. I am putting in so many study hours that it is crazy, more then my longest weeks in A-school, I topped off this last week with 32.5 or something… Well I am most defiantly number one in my section, and going to try and keep it, I can tell you we have a math test on Friday, if I can pull of a high 3 in that one then I will be all together a little bit calmer and not so scared of this school. 29JAN2003 1622EST – One test down, only err way to many left. ;) well I did it, I pulled #1 right off the bat, it’s going to be a severe battle to keep, I have some really smart people I am competing against. Umm ya other then that my tests are going to be labeled in numbers now cause even the subjects are confidential, not supposed to be talking about them J I am exhausted, but I got to go in and finish my homework. More later. PS Any suggestions on a cheap/reliable/economy car for me in the near future? PSS: my address changed, I will still get older mail, just will be delayed. 21JAN2003 1924EST – School started, all right well in other news, I have heard a song that I totally connect with and love at the moment. It’s called “Konstantine” by Something Corporate. It’s almost 10 minutes long, but holy cow does it have some emotion to it. I have listened to it a thousand times in the last two days, heck I even typed up the lyrics (they don’t do the song justice though!) 20JAN2003 0055EST – Well I got my clearance. Tomorrow school starts, another 6 months of chaos. I am scared about this school, I really am going to try for #1, but I am worried. Unfortunately I can’t say anything about this school really, everything I am learning is classified. New address is #302-1. Taxes this year are looking good, large refund should be coming my way, which will help me get my student loan paid off completely. 14JAN2003 1708EST- I think I am going to cry. I got my security clearance, literally the 2nd to last possible day. Well, at least more than likely got my clearance, it’s not for sure until tomorrow or Monday, I don’t remember which one, but I got the message ‘your badge is about to expire’ which 98% of the time means you got your clearance. Tomorrow and Friday I am attending Indoc classes, then we start school Tuesday morning. Graduation date is June 27 2003, please don’t take that as for sure, I may have some sort of problem that holds my grad date back, so make no plans off that date it is just a rough guess right now. I will get my new address up ASAP; I believe the 239M will change to 302-3, that should be it. 11JAN2003 2200EST – Howdy, it’s been awhile. Well I am on T-Track, which is a stage between schools. I am currently standing watch, and am the supervisor of my watch section, in charge of about 30 people, and responsible for the security of the school building. Umm I am very tired right now so pardon my English. Our shifts work out to be 12 on 24 off 12 on 48 off, which will really mess up your sleep schedule =) I have until Wednesday to get my clearance, so I really hope that I get it. Ohh ya, I paid off my last credit card completely, so all I have left is my student loan, almost out of the red completely. 27DEC2002 1441EST – Okie, I had an interesting experience yesterday, therefore I am starting a new section called: Weird Facts. Christmas was cool, I got to be Duty Driver, which means nothing to any of you probably but basically I got to drive a government van around all day taking people places that they wanted to go, much better then sitting and standing watch for 12 hours. 23DEC2002 1631EST – Well this is the first time that I have gotten a chance to update my site. Nothing new really, working over Christmas leave, I will try to update a little more often. Love you all. 26NOV2002 1901EST – Ok well today I move out of my old room and into my new room. However this means that I am giving up my current internet, I was tapping off my suitemates for free, because I don’t have enough money to get internet right now. So… the updates to this site will become probably weekly or biweekly, same with my e-mail, I will try to check it as often as possible, but no guarantees. Love you all. 22NOV2002 1849EST – Well this is the first time I had a chance to upload my newest pictures. These are of Charleston; I have 35 of them online, just click the pictures link to see them. We are required to put in 16 hours of study time this weekend! Crazy. Oh well almost bed time. Love you all. 20NOV2002 1948EST – Grrrr.. I just typed this but my comp crashed. Finished my final subject exam, now I just have to finish the final for the whole school, I have 4 days to make sure I know everything there is to know. Also I might be losing my internet for a while, will try to get it back shortly J I could use a little luck so don’t be afraid to call me on Sunday (before 7PM EST plz J). Got my class picture! 13NOV2002 1853EST – Ok, well the scores are in. 3.65. but wait that isn’t quiet as bad as one would think, I was number one by .1 (quiet a bit) Overall the test really kicked our butts. The testing here is done in an interesting fashion, you take the test, then the whole office of instructors grades it, then you review the test as a class with your instructor, at this point if you see any points that they gave you that they shouldn’t have or any point that you feel that you deserved that you didn’t get you can put in for a ‘re-grade’ and then your instructor reviews your exam, modifies your grade if he feels you deserve it, then the final scores are posted. Kind of neat I think. Well imagine going to an intense school from 5am to 7pm, with 1 hour lunch, ya that is my life 5 days of the week, and I am in the school 14 hours on the weekend, insane! Yet somehow satisfying that I can keep up. 11NOV2002 1954EST - (As he keels over in exhaustion he types this entry to his web log: ) Hello all well another week has gone by and a another test is going on tomorrow so we will see how that goes. I am almost through; exactly 2 weeks from today I take the comp (comprehensive review test) so trying to review all the information that we have learned in the last 6 months, is just a little crazy. Will post my score tomorrow or ASAP, love ya all. 05NOV2002 1230EST – Another week gone by without anything exciting, took another test, aced it… I am in school almost 30+ extra hours a week now, and starting this weekend we have mandatory weekend hours now. Blah I am running out of motivation, only 2 more weeks of actual class. Oh well soon enough all the effort will pay off hopefully J at the very least I get promoted on NOV 29th. 26OCT2002 1339EST – Equip sucks, well not really I like the information, it’s just the way that they assign and grade homework forces people to study. That is outstanding for people who weren’t previously studying, but I all ready was studying so it messed up my whole routine. I have rearranged my routine and gotten it back to semi-normal, but we are entering the last 4 weeks of school and it will significantly decrease my free time. This week I have put in 20 hours already with about 5 more I am planning on putting in. But I did score a 3.90 on my first test which is really good, this next test is supposed to be a lot harder though. 18OCT2002 1802EST – Another subject bites the dust. We finished Digital Microprocessors Thursday. The last test shows that if nothing else I am consistent, I again scored in my usual range, but this time the rest of the class didn’t do so well, so I nabbed the #2 spot. I still have the best overall GPA, because I am the only person who continuously is getting such high grades. Our class was split in to two different classes, the EM’s (that’s me) and the ET’s, so now I should easily grab the #1 spot every time, hopefully, because the nearest person is 60 points behind me, that is almost half a test. Now begins the subject that we will actually be using in the fleet, Equip. So far I am not liking the policies, but the information is cool. 14OCT2002 1254EST – I have bought my plane tickets to go home. I am flying into California from CLT, NC and will arrive at LAX @ 1030PST on Nov 30 and am leaving from LAX at 2355PST on Dec 14th. I hope to see everyone while I am home, miss all you guys. Other then that me and my best friend her, Simmons, are plotting to put in an insane number of hours pretty soon, we are going to try and set the record for the most hours put in studying in a week, we are going for 90 hours (that is every single hour the school is open for extra study hours) it sounds crazy but our ‘final’ exam is coming up and reviews all the information of the whole school. Plus we are just crazy like that anyhow. Love ya all. PS: Lifehouse has a new CD out, it is okay, their first one was better but I like this one to. Pictures from a camping trip coming soon. 12OCT2002 0042EST – Well the first test in Digital is done, I did okay, the whole class did really well, I have so many points accumulated and the people who beat me each test keep on changing so I am maintaining #1 overall. Digital 2 is on Thursday then we are splitting the class up to the EM’s and the ET’s, I am an EM, so our class size will be decreasing to 14. Also our leave dates have been finalized so I purchased plane tickets to California, I will be coming home from November 30th to December 14th. Currently I am looking for a cheap car in the general area of SC, no real luck, but I haven’t seriously started looking. 06OCT2002 1055EST – Phew been a crazy couple of weeks. We finished E-FUNDS up and now have moved on to Digital. I only missed 5 points of 275 on the final test, that was my goal, so I am really jazzed, that was the biggest test I have to take in A School. Our class went camping this weekend and I will eventually have some pictures from that, but it was a good get away from school. I was really sick last week, but I am feeling better now, it just sucks because there is no missing school, so you go in even if you are really sick. First digital test on Tuesday, but I am not studying to hard because I am trying to keep and even effort and not burn my self out. Pictures are up, well some, none of me but of a walk I went on, you can see the barracks that I live in as well. 25SEP2002 0435EST - Well, SC apparently isn't the place to go clubbing, the scene is much better in California :) But I had a lot of fun and apparently have gotten better at dancing, I also think I surprised some people just by going, they thought all I did was study =) Biggest test of 'A' School coming up on Monday, 275 points, 10% of my final grade. So I am working hard to study for it. 20SEP2002 2004EST - Been awhile, but here I am, took my test. Did all right, but I am still trying to get out of the rut I am in. Today went in for 5 hours of review with Simmons. Biggest test of the school is coming up next Monday, EFUNDS 5. Beginning to be somewhat nice weather here, so I am kind of scared. About to go out to a club, so I will write more later. 11SEP2002 1602EST - Well its Sept. 11th, not sure how to say it. Tragic day, but you know that. Today the members of NNPTC did a very noble thing, we left school at 1100 and did community service for the rest of the day. 3,000 Navy Nukes went into the community and helped out. It was a very uplifting activity, and made me feel proud to be part of it. Also we took another test today, official score will be up later, unofficial score is 3.87 =) I love you all, never forget that. 06SEP2002 2058EST - Another test on Wednesday, its been a bad week so my expectations are a little low (not 4.0) but I will try my hardest. The information isn’t that hard just lots of definitions. The entire base is having a half day on September 11th, after our half day we are going out into the community and volunteering to help, our class is cleaning up a local park and building a bridge for them. Makes me proud to be a member of the military. Almost 3,000 nukes going out and giving to the community. Think I am going to start volunteering on the weekend as well if I can find the time. 03SEP2002 1871EST - Well today was the test day, and I got a 3.85, #1 in the class. I must say I am disappointed though, I was really hoping for a 4.0. I am determined to get at least 1 4.0 while I am here so maybe the next test will be the one. Right now I am in the #1 spot by 14 points (that’s really good =) Anyhow more later got to run to the bank. 02SEP2002 0910EST - Happy Labor Day all! Well I did something that I never thought I would be able to do today. I cut my first credit card into small little pieces and tossed it :) I managed to pay off all my debt that I owed on it. Yay for me! Anyhow went all the way to Savannah last night in a friends truck, we were just picking someone up from the airport but it was cool thinking that I was in Georgia for about 20 minutes hehe. Test tomorrow so putting more hours in today, I think I know everything there is to know but refreshers never hurt. Ohh and the base is currently on Tropical Storm Level 3 Alert, hehe if there is a hurricane then I get leave ;-P 31AUG2002 0933EST - Well it's labor day weekend (at least I think it is). :-D But of course we have one of the hardest tests on Tuesday, and because it is a three day week end, statistically people do worse. So this weekend I am putting like 30 hours of studying in to master all the stuff we are learning. On a side note I was put on Vols (Voluntary Hours) meaning that I don't HAVE to go in and put study hours any more, just gives me the option to skip a day of studying if I really feel bad. 29AUG2002 1738EST - Crazy week, everything just flies by, it is wierd, I barely remember waking up on monday and its almost Friday. Fridays I remember because everyone dresses in their White Uniforms, I will eventually have some pictures, its really crazy, one day everyone is in Utilities (working blue uniforms) then the next it is all White uniforms :) Still doing well in school. Trying to get confirmation about my leave dates this winter, but it does look ~November 30 - December 10, not sure yet, lots of if's. 25AUG2002 1641EST - Well another week has gone by, I am still #1 in the class. I am going to get all my scores up here so you can see how I am doing along with approximate number of hours that I study. Didn't do to much this weekend, hung out at WalMart (with Helm) actually. That is about the only thing to do with out having a car to drive to Charelston with. PT tommorow moring at 0515, blah then another week flies by, i barely can tell the difference from one day to the next until the weekend comes. Eventually I will get a good picture page up, and show you all how foresty this place is. More later time to iron some uniforms, hooray. |